This is L8. They live in a little town called Oss. Thats how I know them because I live in the same shit hole. In Oss there is no place to get really wasted and party like crazy. There really isn’t! You have some bars in Oss… there is a city cafe with his own dj, its a big cafe, but the music is crap. So if we want to party we have to go to a big city. Like Rotterdam or Amsterdam. Some might even say Eindhoven or Nijmegen.
L8 thought: “hey! We should organize some things that are interesting for the young people in Oss.” And what is more intresting than an illigal party. And so they did. It was a big succes. They expected 150 maybe 200 people. But 460 people showed up instead. That was the first time I heard of them. Sadly I couldn’t go because of my girlfriend. I call her EX-girlfriend now a days. But I got to go to the next best thing, the Tunnel Rave. L8 organized a tunnel rave a few months ago. And here are some pictures that reflect pure awsomeness.
The next party of L8 will be a legal one. Together with 2+2, because they can make money out of it, instead of paying for the illigal ones. If you want to go to their 1 year anniversery party you should contact them. It’s the 16th of october in Nijmegen, in De Dochter.
Go to to listen some soundtracks.
9 replies on “L8, Illegal Party”
Él Retardo
Damn better get going or else i will be L8…
GET IT!? L8 = Late HAHA,
I’ll be there!
God damn El retardo!!
él Retardo
No hables espaniol meks
Ballon meisje
Omdat dit feest zo vet was zal ik niet gaan zeiken over de profielfoto van deze blog.
Tussen de regels door zeik ik er bij deze dus toch over..
ballonmeisje aan de lachgas! 😀
Ballon meisje
alsof ik nog niet genoeg lach zullen we maar zeggen! haha
Rick Weiss
Als iemand nog een vette indoor locatie weet voor L8, laat het me weten. Hopelijk kunnen we de tunnel dan evenaren!
Gijs Pouwels
Tof dat jullie mijn fotocredits eraf hebben geknipt, boyswithbeards..
Zo werkt dat natuurlijk niet helemaal.