Are crazy people, really crazy? Some people trust on them, others don’t.
In the film 12 Monkeys directed by Terry Gilliam we follow the crazy ones by using time travelling. Brad Pitt in the role of Crazy guy and Bruce Willis in the role of another crazy guy. 12 Monkeys is part II of the dystopian satire trilogy which started with part I; Brazil
and part III; The Zero Theorem.
They are all worth watching together with The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys is the interesting behind the scenes documentary from this Time travel wonder. The art direction and the funny distorted cinematography of Terry Gilliam is all over with it’s typical cruel dystopian world as his playground.
Besides being member of the legendary Monty Python, 12 Monkeys is one of his other masterpieces. So don’t take the time to think and watch this one before the future is history.