In a world where we are getting an overload of information, Last Week Tonight informs us in a funny and…
I’m a techie. What does that mean? Reading everyday blogs about technology, stay close to new inventions and watch a…
Summer means outside. Outside means enjoying the sun. How I enjoy the sun the most? Playing nature with your body…
The well-written film “Comet” shows how the doubt of love can lead to self-destruction.
It’s vacation time for the most people around us. The few weeks where we work our ass of all year.
After Breaking Bad was finished, Vince Gilligan (the ceator of the awesome tv series) started to develop a prequel with…
For everyone means DJ means something different. There is still something to discover in history. This time I came across…
What happens when you already know the future? It’s a question which they answer in Predestination.
There are people who are going to club to be seen. Boiler Room makes good use of this fact by…